Friday, September 9, 2016

7th Grade Pop Art Portraits

Our 7th Grade Artists ended the year with a unit on the Pop Art movement of the 1960s, primarily studying the works of Andy Warhol and Roy Lichtenstein. For their own Pop Art project, each student reinterpreted the Pop Art style in a portrait of their own. 

Self Portrait inspired by the work of Roy Lichtenstein, by Jada

Self Portrait inspired by the work of Roy Lichtenstein, by Hendrix

By Ryneh | A portrait of her mother
- Inspired by the work of Andy Warhol and Roy Lichtenstein -

Thursday, September 8, 2016

6th Grade Found Object Sculptures

The McKay's 6th graders finished the year with a unit on Found Object Sculptures. In preparation for creating their own sculptures, students conducted online research on various types of found object sculpture, both representational and nonrepresentational. Students then up-cycled a vast array of miscellaneous found objects to create their own three-dimensional works of art.

Asymmetrical Sculpture by Juan Pablo

Simple "S" Sculpture by Jossian

Cubist Head by Emily P

Tech Lighthouse by Kevin

Rainbow Fish by Valentina

8th Grade Independent Studies

For their final project series of the school year, our 8th grade artists designed and executed their own Independent Studies in Visual Arts. In planning the medium and themes of their artworks, each student conducted online research on a variety of art movements and styles, and reflected on artwork they had created over the course of the year. Featured below are some especially striking examples from the resulting works.

Graphite and Charcoal Drawing by Johanna

Graphite, Charcoal, and Prismacolor Pencil Drawing by Alejandra

Ink and Charcoal Drawing by Virginia

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

8th Grade Surrealist Collages

In their first collage unit of the year, our 8th Grade artists recently studied the Surrealism art movement. Students conducted online research to explore examples of Surrealism, as well as examples of collage artwork, then used images from National Geographic and other magazines to compose Surrealist artworks of their own. Tying in ELA themes of symbolism and metaphor, many of the collages demonstrate use of visual symbolism to represent complex thoughts and ideas. The resulting works range from mystical, to comical, to profoundly symbolic, and even all of the above. 

"Monster" by Johanna

            "People of this other culture and race are outside looking through the windows, but this little girl inside the room is white. She's still young, though, so her mind is pure and innocent. The monster represents the prejudice that she might develop as she grows up in a society that focuses too much on color; on race; on class."

 "New Life" by Elsa

"Strength and Innocence" by Alejandra

by Santiago

by Diyana

 "Imminent Death" by Mariano

"Purge" by Roberto

"Hatching Nightmares" by David

Still Life Drawings, 7th and 8th Grade

Our 7th and 8th graders studied the elements of shape, value, and form as they created Still Life drawings of everyday objects. By using a range of graphite pencils, and by varying their pencil pressure to create further distinction between light and dark values, students were able to create the illusion of three-dimensionality in their 2D drawings. 

by Johanna, Grade 8

 by Brenda, Grade 8

 by Hannah, Grade 7

  by Bryan, Grade 7

by Stephanie, Grade 8

Thursday, April 21, 2016

7th Grade Abstract Artwork

One of the most exciting visual arts units to witness this year has been 7th grade's foray into Abstract Expressionism and Contemporary Abstract Art. After utilizing Chromebooks to complete online image and artist research in class, 7th graders experimented with countless techniques in mark-makingetchinglayering of colors and manipulation of materials; concepts in composition; organic vs geometric shape; and use of line to create movement and rhythm. I have been so awed by the infinite creativity and innovation of our 7th grade artists in this exploration.  I hope that you enjoy these works of art as much as I have enjoyed watching the creative process behind them!

"Battle" by Katherine

"Internal Ocean" by José

"May 5th" by Patrick

by Julio

"Takeover" by Paola

by Kimberly

by Jada

by Jada

"Unbound" - Collaborative piece by 7A

"Rain" by Michaela

Collaborative piece by 7B

"Alas" (Wings) by Imalay

"Where the Light Is" by Keyly

"Pandemonium" by Nick

"Dusk to Night" by Jonathon

"Color and Chaos" by Michaela

Patrick carving into layers of oil pastel

"Worms" - Piece in progress, by Patrick

Oil Pastel Drawing by Patrick

"Colors of Dawn" by Jonathon

8th Grade Collaborative Grid Paintings

8th Grade has just recently completed stunning collaborative grid paintings inspired by the ELA theme of community. Each 8th grade artist was given one piece of a broader image, which they painted individually, and contributed to a beautiful, large-scale collaborative piece. The finished works are incredibly impactful, and we look forward to displaying them in the school building! Each complete collaborative painting is approximately 44"x44".

5th Grade Mythical Creatures and Poetry

One of 5th grade's most exciting visual arts projects of the year has been their amazing mythical creature mixed media project in the style of Eric Carle! Students first learned about various mythologies and legends from different cultures and the mythical creatures that populate such tales. Our young artists then designed their own mythical creatures---complete with character traits, physical attributes, and habitat---and then constructed them as artworks through painting, texturing, and collage. Connecting these beautiful artworks to ELA themes, each student then wrote a poem about their mythical creature using figurative language and ELA strategies