Wednesday, January 11, 2017

8th Grade Surrealist Collages

In their first collage unit of the year, our 8th Grade artists recently studied the Surrealist Art Movement. Using Surrealist artwork as their inspiration, they used images from National Geographic and other magazines to compose Surrealist artworks of their own. Tying in ELA themes of storytelling, symbolism, and metaphor, many of the collages demonstrate use of visual symbolism to represent complex thoughts and ideas. The resulting works range from mystical, to eerie, to comical.

Each of these works is currently on display at the East Boston Public Library, and will be exhibited there until January 20th, 2017.

7th Grade Abstract Drawings in Oil Pastel

In preparation for this project, students discussed and analyzes the artistic styles of various abstract artists currently producing and selling work in the art world. After observing defining qualities and mark-making techniques in each artist's work, our 7th graders experimented with oil pastels and developed their own unique abstract drawing styles. 

While some students tended towards organic shapes and bright colors, others explored sharp angles and strong contrast. The assertive stylistic choices in their works demonstrate our students' great creativity and originality. 

The majority of these works are currently on display at the East Boston Public Library, and will remain exhibited there until January 20th. 

8th Grade Self Portraits

As at the beginning of this past school year, our 8th graders began this fall semester by creating self portraits. This annual practice is a wonderful way to observe the changes and growth in each student, whether in fashion sense, physical appearance, personality, or artistic skill.

This year's 8th grade self-portraits reflect our students' wide range of personal drawing styles and unique personalities. Students were given the option to choose between graphite and charcoal, gouache paint, or a mixed-media approach. All of these portraits and more are currently on display at the East Boston Public Library, and will remain exhibited there until January 20th.