Friday, March 31, 2017

8th Grade Works of Art with a Message

Our 8th grade artists recently studied the ways in which visual art can be used to communicate a message. We explored possibilities with a variety of communicative artworks, from personal, to political, to religious, and more. In order to gain a deeper understanding of current events and issues facing our nation, students also researched topics such as pollution and climate change, racial inequity, mental health, gender rights, bullying, body image, and immigration. Through this project, students were able to practice communicating their beliefs, opinions, emotions and concerns using visual symbolism. The works they have created are thought-provoking, inspiring, and saddening all at once. Thank you for viewing, and please enjoy.

by Efrain 

 by Jan

by Jennifer 

by Katherine 

by Paola

by Jada

by Odalis

by Keyly

by Keyly

by Emmanuel

by Daniel

 by Hannah

 by Jason

by Jojo 

by Madeline

by Ashley

by Jhoselin

by Jon 

by Kevin 

by Marcelo 

by Natalie 

by Jada

by Ryneh

5th Grade Abstract Paintings

Our McKay 5th grade artists studied the works of Wassily Kandinsky as they explored the different visual qualities of organic and geometric shapes. After drafting abstract works of their own, each student created a beautiful abstract composition emphasizing either organic or geometric shapes (though incorporating some of each). The resulting works demonstrate an incredible range of aesthetics, paintings styles, and color sensibilities. Enjoy, and thank you for viewing!

by Ashly

by Alexandra

by Angela

by Araceli

by Arlin

by Ashley

by Ashley

by Brian

by Briana

by Chelsea

by Christopher

by Diego

by Elmer

by Emalie

by Emely

by Evelyn

by Jasmine

by Julio

by Karla

by Kimberly

by Mariella

by Nayelli

by Yesika

by Yimalis