Thursday, June 15, 2017

6th and 7th Grade Surrealist Artworks

6th and 7th grade artists at the McKay school spent their final unit exploring the strange and magical world of Surrealism, developing fantastical concepts and scenes reminiscent of the historical Surrealist movement. The range and depth of the artwork created in this unit truly amazes, and has made me incredibly proud of our students' creativity. I hope that you enjoy the stunning originality in these student works. Thank you for viewing!

"Stigma" by Jenifer, Grade 7

"Thoughts" by Karina, Grade 7

"Mixed Feelings" by Julianna, Grade 7

"Brighten the World" by Stephanie, Grade 6

"Green" by Cristina, Grade 7

by Natalia, Grade 6

"Imagination" by Serenity, Grade 6

"Time and Space" by Sarah, Grade 6

"La Vida Siempre se Acaba" by Valeria, Grade 7

by Bayron, Grade 7

"Grief" by Natalie, Grade 7

"Cats in Space" by Andy, Grade 6

"Human, Human Tell Me" by Emily P, Grade 7

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